Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our little Hercules

He's been doing this since day one, but we finally got it on video. He's so dang strong.

He's three weeks old now, and each day gets better and better. He does have his fussy times in the evening now which aren't too terrible. We just call him names like Rumplefusskin, Senior Fussybutt, Fussbucket, Sir Crankerton Fussy the 2nd, etc.

It's still amazing that he's here and it's funny to think of Eric and I as "mom and dad". When we're home I find myself thinking about what he's going to sound like when he starts talking, what he's going to be when he grows up (i'm banking on rich and famous enough to buy his parents a vacation home), and what he'll look like.

Eric puts him to sleep every night and he usually only wakes up once. He does get up at 7:30-8AM no matter what. I've become more comfortable taking him places by myself, and we've ventured out a few times. We even drove over to the west side last friday and had lunch with Eric.

Aidan has also found his thumb.

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