Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well, Katie's got about 15 tubes and 8 wires stuck in her so I'm updating. They checked her at about 22:00 last night and gave her another Cervidil and some Ambien. 15 minutes later she was out. 2 hours after that she was up, having more hardcore contractions and realizing her water had broken. They took out the Cervidil, moved us downstairs, gave Katie an Epidural and hooked her and the baby to all kinds of tubes, monitors and the machine that goes PING. That was all finished around 4:00. By then Angie had gone home and made it back, so I slept for a few hours.

So now we're waiting for about another 1/2 centimeter. Angie, Debbie and Sue are here. Katie's been napping in between blood pressure readings. I got to level 19 on Dr. Mario and managed to win a game of solitaire. For a place with so many people working 12+ hour shifts, the vending machines around here have a severely limited selection of energy drinks. Also, Katie kinda sounds like Darth Vader when she's got the oxygen mask on.


  1. It's almost over! I'll be practically holding my breath until the next update... Wishing you the best!

  2. I can't believe you all are able to blog during all this. I'm way impressed. I hope it's all going okay!

  3. Sorry General E, what time is 22:00 exactly? Well hopefully the young-in has seen the light and charged through by this hour! Congrats we are happy for the two of you!
    Zack and Cindy
