Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is where I brag about Eric.

Eric is one of those fathers who truly deserves the #1 DAD mug. When we came home from the hospital, he stayed home extra days because he realized how hard it was and that I needed help. He and I slept in shifts the first three days because Aidan wouldn't sleep without one of us holding him.

When he went back to work, every night when he'd come home he'd immediately want to hold him. Every time he looks at Aidan he's got nothing but love and amazement in his eyes. Every time.

We work together to take care of him, changing diapers, doing laundry, washing bottles, getting up to feed him in the middle of the night, rocking him to sleep, etc. He's never complained about having to do any of these things, in fact he actively asks to do them.

They sit together and Eric talks to him and asks him how his day was. Sometimes Aidan lays on his chest and they take a little nap together. When Aidan is fussy or crying, Eric feels bad when he can't make it all better. It's fun to watch Eric's face though when they're looking right at each other or when Aidan makes a certain face and it makes Eric laugh.

I'm thankful every day for Eric, not only as my husband, but as Aidan's father. Not every relationship is perfect, but it sometimes feels like ours is.